I’m moving

I’m not moving to a new state, or to a new mortgage company, but my blog is moving to a new URL – The Mortgage Blog.


Why? After some discussion with colleagues at Dunwoody Mortgage Services, we decided that consolidating separate blogs to The Mortgage Blog will be better for the reader, better for the writer (me), and better for our company as a whole. This will allow you access to more bloggers, posts, and information!

Please be sure to re-bookmark the home page and re-subscribe to the RSS feed so that you don’t miss out.  It’s a different web address, with a similar look, a few more contributors (among other things), but the same honest, professional, sometimes humorous, mortgage advice that you’ve come to enjoy.

Again, this definitely isn’t my last blog post, but it is my last post here.  Look forward to seeing you at my new home